Primary Pathways

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Primary Pathways

Working together to nurture lifelong learners

  1. Absence information

Reporting Absence

All absences from school must be reported to the school on the first day of absence by telephone on 0115 915 3862, ideally before registration at 9.30 am.


The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amended) Regulations 2013 outlines amendments to the 2006 regulations for attendance.
Since September 2013 headteachers are no longer authorised to grant leave of absence unless there are exceptional circumstances. Requests for absence must therefore be put in writing at least 10 days before the planned absence and authorisation will not be granted retrospectively. Leave taken without authorisation must be recorded as ‘unauthorised’ and parents may incur penalty fines.

Absence codes are entered into the register to identify the reasons for absence, including late arrivals. This is a legal requirement for all schools and is used to monitor attendance and absence. Repeated late arrival, unauthorised absence or low attendance rates may trigger a referral to the Educational Welfare Service in order to provide support and guidance as required.